Published inSciSharp STACKBuilding AI Agent in Llama 2 and .NET 6An AI agent is a computer program or system that can perceive its environment, process information, and make decisions or take actions to…Jan 14, 20241Jan 14, 20241
Published inSciSharp STACKUnderstand the LLM Agent OrchestrationExplain in detail the components of Profile, Memory, Planning, and Action components.Oct 15, 2023Oct 15, 2023
Host a LLM Powered Chatbot in .NET2023 is the year when LLM begins to explode. Everyone is busy integrating LLM with their existing systems and making full use of LLM’s…Oct 1, 2023Oct 1, 2023
Published inSciSharp STACKC# Tensor: the absolute basics for beginnersFor developers who have been working on enterprise information system, the word Tensor may be very unfamiliar, and they have no idea what…Jan 21, 2023Jan 21, 2023
Published inSciSharp STACKTensorFlow AutoGraph for .NETTensorFlow 2.x has three mode of graph computation, namely static graph construction (the main method used by TensorFlow 1.x), Eager mode…Dec 2, 2020Dec 2, 2020
Published inSciSharp STACKQueue in TensorFlow .NETThensorFlow is capable to handle multiple threads, and queues are powerful mechanism for asynchronous computation. If we have large…Sep 21, 2019Sep 21, 2019
Published inSciSharp STACKConvolution Neural Network in .NETIn this article, we’ll implement a simple Convolutional Neural Network model. We’ll implement this model to classify MNIST dataset.Jul 15, 20192Jul 15, 20192
Published inSciSharp STACKNeural Network in TensorFlow.NETIn this article, we’ll learn how to build a graph of neural network model in C#. The key advantage of neural network compared to Linear…Jul 7, 20191Jul 7, 20191
Published inSciSharp STACKRunning TensorFlow.NET in Jupyter NotebookIt’s cool we try to run TensorFlow.NET in Jupyter Notebook.May 7, 2019May 7, 2019
Published inSciSharp STACKConditional Statement Construction of TensorFlow in C#Two weeks of hard work, we’re about to complete the conditional statement construction of TensorFlow in C#, Conditional operations are…Apr 13, 2019Apr 13, 2019